mercoledì 11 gennaio 2012

Kill Kill Kill - From beyond the agave (2011)/Pr.0-Tone - Micro .01-Micro .02 (2011)

Ho ricevuto via mail due interessanti e recentissime proposte musicali, Kill Kill Kill e Pr.0-Tone.
I Kill Kill Kill sono un collettivo californiano che propone eccellente psichedelia in linea con certe sonorità post (Bardo Pond, Doldrums ...). Sono già dei veterani al quindicesimo album (vantano collaborazioni con
Acid Mothers Temple e Brian Jonestown Massacre) e, come spiega il nome, il loro scopo è sopprimere alcuni conformismi della tradizione rock: la struttura canzone, la formazione stabile e ogni affarismo legato alla fruizione della loro musica. Recita uno dei componenti, Eric Stiner: "We are a trip-music-collective in Los Angeles made of many different musicians. A couple of friends started the collective because we were bored of terrestrial drugs and playing standard music and we needed a new psychic energy.  We harnessed all the psychic energy we could find and killed what we new of standard music. We Killed the idea of traditional song structure.... We Killed traditional band makeup... and we Killed any business that has to do with our music... that is where the name Kill Kill Kill came from.  We then sent an open invitation to any part of the universe that feels bored. Over the years the collective has had more than 20 members come and go and come back again. The members include our friends from childhood and more recently collaborations with cosmic brothers and sisters like members from Acid Mothers Temple and the Brian Jonestown Massacre. This is our 15th album and it was recorded in Echo Park in 2011. There is also a split 7" single with our friends Oxbow on our friends record label Hydrahead Industries for this same album".
Per altre informazioni vedi

Pr.0-Tone sono, invece, un gruppo messicano che miscela piuttosto arditamente elettronica e post-rock-stoner con risultati degni di nota. Come spiegano essi stessi: "Pr.0-Tone (Roentgine, guitar; Polo., bass; Todi., drums) is an Alternative/Post-Rock/Experimental band from Leon, Mexico that takes organic and electronic resources and fuse them trying to generate new sounds to give different kind of shapes to the music they bring with eclectic influences". Durante il 2011 hanno registrato due EP Micro .01 e Micro .02, liberamente scaricabili da qui o dal loro sito Altre informazioni e contatti dalla loro pagina Facebook.

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